DierkeHouben Leadership Programme

Our joyful and enriching „Lead from Purpose“ Webinar at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

Leading from Purpose, Leading Your Self, Leading Your Team – these are the three dimensions of purpose-driven leadership. With 30 MBA-students we embarked on a 3-day personal growth journey to…

  • … discover one`s own personal purpose – the “true north”
  • … enhance Self-Awareness for better Self-Management
  • … lead effectively with Emotional Intelligence.

Again it has been a real pleasure to work with highly gifted and talented young leaders and enrich their leadership journey by focusing on the most important starting point: self-leadership.

We are already looking forward to our next Leadership Programme at HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management.

The programme uses a combination of lectures, group discussions, self reflection, case studies, small team assignments and action learning – highly effective and appreciated by the young executives as high gradings in course evaluation feedback confirm!

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