
We did it again! For the second time achnowlegded among Top 10 innovative Leadership Development Companies in Europe

Again, we are happy to announce that we have been ranked among the Top 10 Leadership Development + Coaching Companies in Europe 2020 by HRmanage. Our second award, after being honoured in 2019 by HR Tech Outlook.

The focus this time is „innovative solutions in Leadership Development“. With our new hybrid Leadership Programmes for C-Level Leaders we again fit right into the cutting edge of top leadership development: 3-months C-level programmes with a unique blend of Residency Modules as a transformational space off-the-job, personal 1:1 coaching and a 12-week digital guide to practice on-the-job with input, tasks for reflection and train-the-brain micro-techniques.

Check our corporate programmes „Führungskultur 2.0/ Leadership Culture 2.0“ and our open enrollment offers „Neu in der C-Suite/ New to the C-Suite“ and „Souverän an der Spitze/ Sovereign at the top“. Please stay tuned!

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